DG The Persuasion Doctor

Public Workshops

Developing Win-Win Negotiation Skills (One day)

We all negotiate every day, whether we realize it or not. Yet few people are ever taught how to negotiate. And if we do learn how to negotiate on the job, we probably learn from someone who practices the traditional adversarial approach. This old school, win-lose approach is only suitable for one-off negotiations.

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Powerful Negotiating Skills and Techniques (Two days)

Powerful negotiators know how to play the negotiating game. They understand that negotiation is a process, not just bargaining. The game begins as soon as they identify a need they cannot satisfy on their own. They know how and when to make offers and counteroffers, and they know how to use anchors to their advantage. They are also aware of the negotiation styles, strategies, and behaviors they – and their counterpart – can bring to the table.

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Persuasive Business Presentations (Two days)

The purpose of most business presentations is not merely to inform – it is to win support for your ideas, to get buy-in for your proposals, to sell, to persuade. This requires not just a few basic presentation skills, but a wide range of persuasion techniques drawn from the fields of psychology, behavioral economics, advertising, and other disciplines.

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Influence and Persuasion Power Tools™ (One day)

In today's business environment of self-leading teams, flatter organizational hierarchies, and widely distributed expertise, having formal authority is becoming less important. Being able to influence and persuade others is paramount.

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Effective Strategies For Handling Difficult People and Situations (Two days)

Difficult people and situations are inevitable parts of our personal and professional lives. More often than not, it is not the subject matter that makes these situations difficult but the personalities, motives, and underlying feelings of the people involved. It is critical to the success of you and your organization to learn how to deal with these difficult people and situations.

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Selling With Stories™ (One day)

Telling stories is more than just a folksy way to relate to others. It is a powerful and persuasive vehicle that top sales leaders use to get their message across with maximum impact and minimum resistance. Logic, reason, and data lead to conclusions; stories tap emotions and lead to action. Stories move people.

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The Leader As Storyteller™ (One day)

In his study of leadership, Harvard Professor Howard Gardner found that "the key to leadership ... is effective communication of a story." Telling stories is more than a folksy way to relate to others. It is a powerful and persuasive vehicle that top leaders use to get their message across with maximum impact and minimum resistance. Logic, reason, and data lead to conclusions; stories tap emotions and lead to action. Stories move people.

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Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?: Fundamental Principles Of Effective Communication (One day)

When I was a young boy in primary school I heard this riddle: "Why did the chicken cross the road?" There were many answers: "To get to the other side." "To prove he wasn't chicken." "To escape from Colonel Sanders." If you google the question you will be led to numerous websites with hundreds of answers. Of course, if you wish to know the real answer you must ask the chicken.

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Assertiveness For Success In The Workplace: Developing Assertiveness Skills In Managers and Supervisors (One day)

Are you really preparing your employees to succeed? They may be learning technical skills, managerial skills, even soft skills. But if they are not assertive, they will not advance beyond lower to middle management.

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“Thank you for your wonderful and powerful program.”

– Koichi, Area Manager, Tokyo

“We all enjoyed the class. David, you really made the whole class feel at the ease and I found everyone so relaxed, responsive and interactive. Thank you for coaching us.”

– Mary, Tax Officer

“David is a versatile speaker who delivered the message in simple ways. The talk on negotiation was excellent. The negotiation approach and methods were comprehensive, practical yet it was interesting.”

– Sanjay Goswami, Speech Therapist

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Tel: (65) 6314 4280, (65) 9793 7286
Fax: (65) 6767 7310
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